Apple cider vinegar has been touted as a kind of elixir with a wide range of health benefits such as the ability to lower blood sugar, help with weight control management or giving you a boost when you try to lose weight.
How does apple cider vinegar help varicose veins?
Some people have said that applying apple cider vinegar to your skin, using a gauze pad, paper towel, or something else, will help with blood circulation which reduces swelling. Some say it can even “cure” varicose veins or spider veins.
If you are wondering “how to cure varicose veins with vinegar” or “how to get rid of spider veins with apple cider vinegar,” we have some bad news, home remedies for varicose veins like vinegar, or more specifically, apple cider vinegar, don’t cure varicose veins.
Apple cider vinegar for swelling
Some studies have shown that you can use apple cider vinegar to reduce swelling or ease discomfort in those who suffer from varicose veins. A 2016 study showed that applying apple cider vinegar eased discomfort for 120 subjects.
However, that study also had the subjects raising their legs 45 degrees, which also is shown to help reduce pain and swelling. This happens because raising your legs above your heart forces the blood to flow in the right direction instead of pooling in your legs, and the valves in your veins which are already weak don’t have to work as hard to get the blood back to your heart.
Why doesn’t apple cider vinegar help with varicose veins?
Varicose veins happen because the valves in your veins are weak and can’t effectively push the blood back to your heart, which causes blood to pool in your legs and your veins to bulge. Even if apple cider vinegar does help with circulation, it’s not going to magically make those valves in your veins any stronger.
To actually fix your varicose veins or spider veins, there are some medical procedures you can have done, including:
- Sclerotherapy: This is a procedure in which a doctor injects a chemical into the veins that makes them collapse. Blood then flows through the healthy veins. This is the most common treatment for spider veins, and it’s usually successful.
- Laser, radio, or steam ablation: These are all procedures that use heat to destroy the veins.
- Ambulatory Phlebectomy: This is a procedure in which the doctor removes the veins with a tiny incision.
Is applying apple cider vinegar safe?
In general, use of apple cider vinegar is safe, although too much of anything can be harmful. If you are going to try using apple cider vinegar to help with your varicose veins, start by mixing it with water and soaking a bandage or cloth in it. Place the cloth on the affected area and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Do this two or three times a day. If you notice any irritation or increased swelling, stop using it.
If you’re looking for a way to help with your varicose veins, apple cider vinegar may provide some relief, but it’s not going to cure your veins. The best option is to talk to your doctor about medical procedures that can help get rid of your varicose veins for good.
San Diego Vein Specialists
If you suffer from varicose veins or spider veins and are looking for relief, it’s worth considering having a procedure done to cure the problem altogether by getting rid of the veins. If you are considering such a procedure, contact Kafri Wellness Clinic to schedule an evaluation and get more information.
At Kafri Wellness Clinic, we have over 25+ years of experience working with patients to address vein issues. We also take into consideration a cardiovascular approach towards your treatment to give you as much insight into your health as possible.
If you’d like to schedule a consultation to learn how we can help you, please contact us today!