How to test for DVT at home

how to test for dvt at home

Learn how to check for DVT at home

Our legs have both deep veins and superficial veins. Superficial veins are sometimes visible under the skin and are thin and wispy. These veins carry blood from surrounding tissues to the deep veins. Deep veins are thicker than superficial veins and buried throughout the most inner parts of the body below the skin. The development of a blood clot in a deep vein is a life threatening condition.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins in your body, usually in your legs. These types of blood clots are especially dangerous as a piece could break off, travel through the bloodstream, and become lodged in the heart or travel to your lungs and form what is called a pulmonary embolism.

How long can you have DVT without knowing?

If you are wondering, “How long can you have DVT without knowing,” this condition can vary with different people. Many people develop blood clots after sitting for a long period, such as for a long car or airplane ride. If this is the case, symptoms of DVT can appear during the trip or hours or days later. Some people develop DVT with no apparent cause, and it’s difficult to say how long they may have been developing a blood clot without knowing. For those who are unaware they’ve developed DVT, they may go on with this underlying issue for years. Those considered higher risk are recommended to look into this regularly through health check-ups.

How to do a DVT or blood clot test at home

There are different tests for DVT. You can check yourself at home for deep vein thrombosis using a leg quiz called the “Homan’s test,” or “Homan’s sign test.”

The Homan’s Sign Test

The Homan’s test has three steps:

Step 1: Actively extend the knee in the leg you want to check.

Step 2: Once your knee is in the position, you’ll want someone to help you raise your leg to 10 degrees.

Step 3: Have them passively and abruptly squeeze your calf with one hand while flexing your foot with the other.

If you have any calf pain during this process, you may have DVT and should consult with a medical professional.

What are the symptoms of DVT?

Some DVT in leg symptoms include:

  1. Throbbing or cramping pain in one leg (usually calf or thigh)
  2. Swelling in one leg
  3. Warm skin around the painful area
  4. Red/darkened skin around the painful area
  5. Swollen veins that are hard or sore when touched

DVT treatment at home: Can you treat DVT at home?

Unfortunately, you can’t just fix your deep vein thrombosis at home by yourself. It’s a serious medical condition and you need to consult with medical experts. They’ll work with you to discover exactly where the blood clot and work out a treatment.

As for the treatment itself, the main focus of DVT treatment at home includes:

  • Taking your prescribed anticoagulant medicine safely
  • Relieving symptoms, such as leg pain and swelling
  • Lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of another blood clot forming

Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment San Diego

If you’ve done the Homan’s Sign Test and think you may have deep vein thrombosis, consult with a medical professional immediately. At Kafri Wellness Clinic, we have over 25+ years of experience working with patients. We also take into consideration a cardiovascular approach towards your treatment to give you as much insight into your health as possible. Contact us today!

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