Back pain while losing weight
Weight loss in the digital age
In our modern, digital age, where we are advertised to basically non-stop from the time we wake up until we go to bed at night, the topic of weight loss has become a very tricky one to navigate.
We constantly see ads for new diets and weight loss fads, from pills to detox routines, and our social media feeds are filled with people sharing their fitness routines and what they eat.
The Body Positive movement
There also are positive things going on, like the body positive movement, where people share their flaws and open up about insecurities as a way of empowering both themselves and others.
Even with the conversation about
weight loss becoming healthier in some places, there are still a lot of weight loss topics that just don’t get discussed much. One of those is back pain while losing weight.
Body aches during weight loss
When we have more weight, or fat, on us, it functions as a cushiony layer that helps insulate our insides and keep them in place. When we then lose that weight, things inside of us shift and can cause pain or discomfort.
Can losing weight cause back pain?
After losing weight, or during weight loss, the curves in your spine may even change. At the same time, you may be more active than usual, as you are working on losing weight, and that can put even greater stress on your body.
Many overweight people who begin exercising, especially lifting weights, also may injure themselves if they are not using proper form, which can further strain your back and spine.
All of this can add up to back pain as the result of weight loss.
What are the causes of back pain when losing weight?
There are several factors that could be the cause of your back pain while losing weight, including malnutrition, dehydration, loss of muscle, over exercising, poor form while exercising, poor posture, weaker bones, and more!
When trying to lose weight, many people cut the amount of food they are eating. Unfortunately, sometimes people limit themselves to too little food or choose options that lead to them not getting the calories and/or nutrients they need.
Many low carb diets have become popular over the years. Low carb diets are considered to be diuretic diets, meaning they increase your water loss as a means to drop weight quickly. This can make it easy to become dehydrated if you aren’t vigilant.
Our spinal discs rely on water to maintain height and their shock absorbing ability. If you are dehydrated, there won’t be as much fluid available for your spinal discs, which can lead to degeneration, bulging, or herniation.
Muscles also need water and dehydration can lead to stiff muscles or cramps, which can be painful. To avoid body aches during weight loss or even back pain during weight loss, it’s best to stay hydrated!
Loss of Muscle
Several diets now call for dieters to avoid much activity, which allows the body to run on less fuel and can lead to rapid weight loss. That weight loss includes the loss of muscle tone. Your muscles help support your torso and spinal alignment. If your muscles weaken, your posture can become poor, which can lead to strain on your back and lead to back pain.
Over exercising
Doing too much, whether it be while you are trying to lose weight or not, can always lead to pain from overusing your muscles and putting too much stress on your back or using your muscles and back in a way that they aren’t used to.
Poor form while exercising
Many of us have probably had the experience of picking up something heavy and feeling our body shift awkwardly. Sometimes it results in instant pain, sometimes the pain comes later. If you are someone who typically doesn’t lift heavy things, and you suddenly start lifting weights or working out, you are likely to have at least some pain the next day. If you use poor form, it could be severe back pain. It’s important to lift with your legs, not your back. We also recommend slowly getting into exercising, especially lifting weights, to give your body time to adjust.
Poor posture
When trying to lose weight, your body will be changing and you also may be tired. These things, or a combination of them, may result in you holding yourself differently than normal. Poor posture can result in back pain, so you should be extra vigilant that you are sitting tall and not bending your spine as much when losing weight.
Weak bones
As dieting involves cutting down on what you eat and drink, it often leads to malnutrition, which in turn can lead to loss of bone density. Weak bones can lead to spinal misalignments, which in turn result in back pain.
Be extra careful to avoid body pain during weight loss
Now that you are aware of many of the ways weight loss can lead to back pain, you’ll know to be vigilant and what to watch out for when you diet. If you are experiencing back pain, please consult your doctor.
Weight Loss Clinic in San Diego
At Kafri Wellness we strive to provide you the best care for your personalized weight and/or vein treatment plans. With over 25+ years of experience working with patients. We also take into consideration a cardiovascular approach towards your treatment to give you as much insight into your health as possible.
Contact us today!